The new Code expresses our commitment to providing customer service, delivering banking services with reasonable care and skill, acting honestly and fairly, for member benefit and community involvement. It sets out 7 key promises. We will comply with this Code in our dealings with you. We will incorporate this Code by reference in our written Terms and Conditions for products and facilities to which the Code applies. Our Code obligations include the following key promises that we make to you as our members and owners.
Our 7 Key Promises to You
- We will deliver banking services in the interests of our members.
- We will obey the law.
- We will not mislead or deceive.
- We will act honestly and fairly.
- We will offer products and services that are fit for general purpose.
- We will deliver services with reasonable care and skill.
- We will contribute to our community.
For more information
You can get a full copy of the Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice at any of our Branches or download it here. The Code includes detailed provisions on how we will advertise, communicate with you, and provide you with information about our products. The Code also includes provisions regarding direct debits, guarantees, chargebacks, credit cards and payments. Importantly, the new Code outlines our commitment to providing inclusive banking services and assisting persons experiencing vulnerability or financial difficulty.
Fair Terms and Conditions
The Terms and Conditions applying to our products and facilities will be:
- Clear, unambiguous and not misleading.
- Distinct from our advertising and promotional material.
- Written in a plain language style and legibly presented.
- We will make a copy of the Terms and Conditions applying to a product or facility available to you.
Code Compliance Committee
The Code created an independent code monitoring body, the Code Compliance Committee (CCC). The Committee’s role is to ensure that Code Subscribers meet the standards of good practice we agreed to adopt.
If you believe that we have breached the code, you can contact Code Compliance Committee (CCC):
- telephone CCC General Enquiries on 1800 931 678 between 9am and 5pm ( Melbourne time)
- write to the Code Compliance Committee, PO Box 14240, Melbourne VIC 8001; or
- lodge a complaint online at Code Compliance Committee Mutuals